Annual Meeting Recap
thank you
Many thanks to everyone who joined us at last week's Annual Meeting! 60+ neighbors got together to share their views (and potluck favorites!) with our board and local leaders. Special thanks to our speakers (see below), to Pizza Lucé Uptown and Kowalski's Uptown for their generous, delicious donations, and to The UPS Store Uptown for donating our beautiful print materials!
guest speakers
Meg Forney, Minneapolis Park & Rec Board President urged folks to Vote Yes on Great Outdoors, and shared that MPRB won the 2024 National Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park & Rec Management.
Judy Shields, Uptown Association Board Chair shared this presentation about UA’s varied work with the business community in 2024.
Marion Greene, Hennepin Co. Board Chair & D-3 Comm. gave updates on the breadth of work Hennepin County executes, including initiatives to mitigate the ongoing issue of homelessness.
Christie Nelson, MPD 5th Precinct Insp. who shared crime trends, reminded folks when to call 911 or 311, and introduced the precinct’s new Crime Prevention Specialist, Faith Randal. Faith is taking the role Jennifer Waisanen previously held, and is your point person for crime prevention and mitigations in East Bde Maka Ska:
Faith Randal, Crime Prevention Spc.
good neighbor award
Thanks to all who nominated folks for the Good Neighbor Award. This year’s award went to Anja Curiskis, who’s been volunteering and organizing events to bring neighbors together and improve the environment for many years!
Anja volunteered countless hours on our board, led many neighborhood socials, the Earth Day event, trolley path work, trolley rides, and more. She’s a Neighborhood Super Sale participant and a champion of the program, encouraging others to participate, and is a volunteer Hennepin Co. master recycler and composter, educateing neighbors to minimize waste. Anja is also a long-time election judge in the neighborhood and South Uptown. Goes out of her way to support local businesses and promote her neighbor's initiatives, like a local pottery sale. Anja is a great neighbor and friend to many!
committee reports
Tim Fontaine, Fundraising + Social & Engagement Committees, thanked outgoing board member Lynn Annis for her considerable efforts on our 2024 social events. He discussed coordinating with other Uptown neighborhoods to attempt group fundraising, and asked residents to donate any amount meaningful to them, to help sustain our work while our City funding continues to decrease.
Dec. TBA: Holiday Caroling Party
Lee Todd & Gary Farland, Livability Committee, discussed recent issues in the neighborhood, from the park development at 34th & Irving—for which MPRB planning won’t start for several years—to local developments and construction. They also encourage folks to apply for and/or attend the second annual Uptown Holiday Market:
Kate Van Slyck, Safety Committee, thanked community partners for their help keeping the peace on July 4, invited folks to join our Walking Club, an upcoming field trip to Karmel Mall, and a cross-neighborhood Safety Workshop:
board election
Board elections opened and closed at our Annual Meeting! We had 7 seats open on our Board, and received fewer nominations. Since the seats were uncontested, a motion from the floor was made to accept all applicants as Board members—this was accepted, as uncontested positions rendered an election moot. This motion passed, so all will become Board members! Our new Board and officers, who will be elected by the new Board at our November meeting, will be published in a forthcoming e-newsletter.
There are still open seats on our board! If you are interested in participating, please complete a Board Nomination Form.